ANNOUNCEMENTS - Tuesday, November 1, 2022
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There is no saint without a past, no sinner without a future.
Today is All Saints Day. We'll have an All-School mass. Readers, banner carriers and Eucharistic ministers-- remember your role.
SAT Word of the Day: Sinecure-position requiring little or no work
Congratulations to September Teen of the Month winner Madelyn Torrance for October and John Brady for October. Madelyn and John are now eligible for the Teen of the Year competition at the end of the school year.
Seniors: Nov and Dec Elks Teen of the Month applications are due on Friday this week! Students who have already turned in an application but have not been selected as Teen of the Month should make sure their applications are updated and shared with Ms. Bernabei in Google. Your application will be considered again. More applications from senior boys are needed!!!
Any students interested in film production and design, social media videos, etc. please see Mr. Armato. If enough students are interested, we will try to start a club and work on some athletic related promotional type projects.
Rehearsal for Fall Theatre will be at 2:30 today.
Just a reminder that today is the last day to turn in AP forms and money to Mrs. Pettway. Any forms and money turned in after today will include a late fee of $40. See Mrs. Pettway with any questions.
Congratulations to September Teen of the Month winner Madelyn Torrance for October and John Brady for October. Madelyn and John are now eligible for the Teen of the Year competition at the end of the school year.
Seniors: Nov and Dec Elks Teen of the Month applications are due on Friday this week! Students who have already turned in an application but have not been selected as Teen of the Month should make sure their applications are updated and shared with Ms. Bernabei in Google. Your application will be considered again. More applications from senior boys are needed!!!
Students planning on playing a winter sport, make sure you register under the 8to18 system. Even if you played in the fall, you still need to complete the registration process for the winter season.
Ambassadors will meet briefly after school TODAY. We will be going over setup details for the Open House tomorrow.