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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS -Thursday, November 3, 2022

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Those who can hold their tongue have enormous inner strength.  It is likely that those who cannot hold their tongue, have lost control in other areas of life as well.

  •  If your family may be interested in hosting National Evangelization Team members when they are here for NET days on December 1st and 2nd, please let Fr. Ronald know.

  • Esports wins again!  Our Smash Ultimate team; Julian Villava, Gavin Sandoval, and Noah Buck won against De LaSalle Institute in Chicago, 2-1.

  •  Boys basketball officially starts Monday, November 7th. Practice schedules will be posted on Twitter and Facebook. Contact coach Hanson with any questions.

  •  Any students interested in film production and design, social media videos, etc. please see Mr. Armato.  If enough students are interested, we will try to start a club and work on some athletic related promotional type projects.  

  •  Students check your St. Bede email to get your orders in for Golf Regional Championship t-shirts.

  •  Mrs. Manning's E2 World History class will report to Mrs. Rynkewicz's room (204) for class today. Bring your Chromebooks.