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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Monday, October 24, 2022

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If we don't know where we are going, then no amount of trying will get us there. 

  • SAT Word of the Day: Emulate-match or surpass

  •  Wednesday is our next Last Supper Club outing to Riverfront Grill in Peru.  All are welcome.  Sign-up sheet on board outside Fr. Ronald's office. Check out the choices.

  •  Lectio on Wednesday and Thursday during lunch periods. Watch for when your group meets.  Newcomers are always welcome.

  • It is that time of year to begin sign up for the WYSE competition.  This competition is a series of hard tests to flex your college readiness for a science/engineering field.  Typically, it is for juniors and seniors to compete in.
    Here are the categories.
    Categories: Chemistry, Physics, English, Biology, Engineering Graphics, Computer Science, Math
    You will need to select 2 categories for your testing and take both tests.  

  • Class code ul3v4dp 

  • Class link 

  • Scholastic Bowl starts tomorrow first practice after school in the Art Studio

  •  Boys Bowling practice begins today.  Practice is from 3:15 until 4:45 Monday through Thursday at the IV Superbowl.  You must be registered to participate.  If you are not yet registered for winter athletics, please see Mr. Armato today.

  • Congratulations to the Boys XC team for advancing to the Sectional Meet this Saturday!

  •  The first round of the class 1a Football playoffs will be hosted here on Saturday.  Join us at 2pm as your Bruins take on Foreston HS.  Admission is $5 per person.

  •  The Class 1A girls VB regional begins tonight at 6pm.  The Lady Bruins play tomorrow at 6pm vs Streator Woodland.  Admission is $5 per person; no passes are accepted.  This does mean that students do need to pay to attend.

  •  Mrs. Olivero-Gong’s period F & G classes please report to study hall in the Science Center today.

  •  Seniors please stop and see Mrs. Nambo to approve your names for diplomas if you have not done so already.

  •  Happy Diwali from the Heritage Club!

  •  Kamila Ortiz bring Miss Gavina your $2 NOW!!!

  •  Will the following students go to Miss Gaviña’s classroom (115) now? Olivia Orteza, Anna Rudenko, Amy Tran, Julian Villava.

  •  The season has ended for the girl’s cross-country team Saturday at Seneca’s regional race. The team of Macy Zeglis, Madelyn Torrance, Jaelyn Weber, and Sammie Wagner competed with tenacity and pride. Congratulations on a great season.

  •  Would you like to be on stage at Saint Bede without having to sing and dance? Then Fall Theatre is for you! Come to a meeting during homeroom tomorrow in the Collaboration Room of the Perino Science Center to get more information. No experience necessary, and there are acting parts both small and large.