DAILY ANNOUNCEMENTS - Thursday, March 11, 2021
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Kind words can be easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.
Our Donor of the Day is Kevin Conerton. Kevin is a 1969 Golden Bedan graduate and has always been thankful for the sacrifices his parents made for him to attend St. Bede. We are blessed for decades with his kindness and generosity. Please keep him in a special prayer of thanks today.
Please be sure to check our website for an inspiring message from Abbot Philip on our 100th Day of In-person learning.
Students in Mrs. Jobst’s, Mrs. Haskell Free, and Mrs. Horst’s A period classes please come to the Perino Science Center NOW!
Rosary right now in the chapel on 1st floor. There will be time for your lunch afterwards.
Lectio this coming week on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
All freshman girls basketball players need to stop by Coach McGunnigal’s office for a photo form for basketball!
Interested in Golf for next fall now is the time to start Spring Swing starts next week see Coach Cummings for details.
Good luck to our Scholastic Bowl team at Sectionals on Saturday! #GoBruins