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Daily Announcements

DAILY ANNOUNCEMENTS - Wednesday, March 10, 2021

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God of abundance, we are grateful for our many blessings. During this time of Lent let us be especially generous toward those who are not so fortunate.

  • Our Donor of the Day is Edward Krolak. Mr. Krolak is a 1950 Golden Bedan graduate and this year he will celebrate his 71st Class Reunion at our Double Reunion Celebration. We are blessed with his generosity for decades. Please keep him in a special prayer of thanks today.

  • Some food items have been added to the blue cart. Let's add more so we can make a delivery to the food pantry.

  • Lectio this coming week on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

  • Lenten prayer service and collection for charities tomorrow.

  • LAST CHANCE TO ORDER: Economic class Homecoming shirts may be purchased in the Collaborative Room from 7:25-7:45 tomorrow!

  • We’ve made it to 100 days in person learning!! Free jean day tomorrow! Jeans may be worn, no holes or rips a modest top must be worn no cut off tops or hoodies will be allowed. CONGRATULATIONS this is quite an accomplishment!!

  • There will be a one- hour late arrival on Monday, March 22. A period will begin promptly at 8:50 am.

  • No school this Friday. Please adjust your calendars! There IS school on March 19!!

  • Tomorrow is the last day to sign up for the Homecoming dance. The guidelines and release form for the Homecoming dance have been posted on Teacher Ease. You are responsible for reading the information, printing the release form, and signing up for the dance next week according to the guidelines. Ticket sales will be held in the Collaborative Room in the PSC from 7:25-7:45. A signed release form is required is required with the $10 payment. Please see Mrs. Manning with questions about the sign-up process.

  • All varsity girls basketball players remember to see Coach McGunnigal at the end of the day today in his office

  • At the beginning of each period tomorrow Mr. McGunnigal will be asking a TRIVIA QUESTION over the PA system. The first student to email him the correct answer will win the prize for that period. Winners will be announced prior to each question being asked at the next class period! His email address is

  • Any girl that is playing softball this spring, please check your email. If anyone is still interested in playing that is not already signed up, please see Mrs. Griggs by 2:00 Thursday. The Final uniform order by the locker room is Friday. Softball will be hosting an open gym for all players that are not currently playing volleyball this Saturday from 3:30-5:30 bring both indoor and outdoor clothes.