Daily Announcements - Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Marcia Wagner
Our Donor of the Day is Steven Wasilewski. Mr. Wasilewski is a 1968 Golden Bedan graduate and we are blessed with his kindness and generous support for decades. Please keep him in a special prayer of thanks today.
Work Study students who have not signed up by Tuesday at lunch on google classroom will automatically be assigned a job on the work study calendar. As a reminder if you do not show to your work study assignment you will be fined $50
Seniors turn in your permission forms for the Rotary luncheon ASAP. We are leaving tomorrow at 11:30. Meet at the front door of the Science Center. You are responsible for any school work you miss.
Seniors: the “College Kick Off” college information night that was scheduled in your planners for this Wednesday has been postponed until October 2nd.
All of Mrs. Wiltse’s classes will all meet in the study hall today. Bring study materials.
CONGRAGUTLATIONS to golfers Jake Delaney and Brandon Pillion finishing in 5th and 4th place at the Frosh TRAC tournament yesterday.
Guest request forms need to be turned in to Mrs. Plankenhorn by TOMORROW!
The Student Commons and Collaborative Room will be closed ALL day Thursday and Friday. Students that need to come early or remain here after school must report to the refectory or loft on these days. Study halls will be held in the refectory, loft, or your instructor’s perspective classroom. Instructors please inform your classes where you will be meeting for study hall Thursday and Friday.
Stage Rats meet today after school from 3:00-4:30.
Dress for the week:
Wednesday - Western Wednesday, wear your best western gear but no accessories such as ropes, spurs, harnesses, etc. :)
Thursday - regular St. Bede Academy dress code - no theme today
Friday - Green and White day
Get your homecoming tickets during lunch’s this week: The cost is $10 for one ticket and $20 for two. No names will be taken unless payment is provided. The dance will be held in the gym from 7-9:30 pm this Sunday.
Yadi Garcia, Lily Learned, and Vinnie Sampo you are scheduled to work concessions tonight. Report to the gym concession stand by 4:45.
Attention Senior and Junior girls that purchased a t-shirt for the Powder Puff game! You may come to Mrs. Manning’s room tomorrow morning from 7:20 - 7:45 am to pick up your shirt.
If you’re interested in purchasing a mum for your date, mom, aunt, grandma or anyone that would appreciate having one, please see Mrs. Manning. The cost is $5.00
Picture retakes are next Thursday. Seniors you must dress up; Gentlemen shirt and tie, ladies modest tops no spaghetti straps or strapless shirts allowed. You will be allowed to wear your dress attire all day if you wish. Underclassmen, you will wear your DENNIS uniforms for your pictures.
Alyssa Torri please come to the Admissions Office during your study hall today
Variety show rehearsal Wednesday will begin at 8pm
Will the following students pick up their spirit wear from Mrs. Prokup's office? Natalie Coon, Kylie Cofoid, Riker Fesperman, Callan Hueneburg, Griffen Heuser, Gia Gayan, Connor Jackson, Duncan Lawler, Petranella Mitchell, Chloe Mitchell, Madison Nelson, Payton Pyszka, Stephen Shaw, Jakyb Stoddard, Madelyn Theesfeld, Maddie Spayer, Hunter Welch, Ryan Stoudt, Joseph Watts, Guinevere Wiesbrock & Leah Wilson
Prom committee meeting in room 16 during homeroom today.
Student government members will have a meeting during homeroom today in Mrs. Manning’s room.
Macy Bosnich, Perla DeLaTorre, Yusra Khan, Jacob Schirz, Madison Miranda, Alyssa Schirz, and Abby Weber see Coach McGunnigal today during homeroom
Anyone that is dressed in techie Tuesday attire, meet in the science center for a yearbook photo.
Leah Asani please see Mrs. Plankenhorn during homeroom today.