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Daily Announcements

Daily Announcements - Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Marcia Wagner

  • Our Donor of the Day is William Zomboracz. Mr. Zomboracz is a 1968 Golden Bedan graduate and travelled from Waukesha, WI to attend his 50th Reunion last year. We are blessed with his kindness and generous support for decades. Please keep him in a special prayer of thanks today.

  • Locker checks have begun. You were all assigned a locker, you are required to be in that assigned locker with your assigned lock and it needs to be LOCKED AT ALL TIMES. If you are found occupying a locker that is not yours you will be fined. If your locker does not have a locked lock on it, you will be fined. If you need to purchase a lock they are available in the office for $10 

  • The Student Commons and collaboration room will be closed tomorrow and Friday after the 7:30 a.m. bell. If you need to remain at school after hours you must report to the refectory or the loft. You should have been informed by your instructors where your study hall will meet these 2 days. 

  • The following students please pick up your fan gear from Mrs. Gengler's office: Jake Bradach, Riker Fesperman, Griffen Heuser, Connor Jackson, Jakyb Stoddard, Madelyn Theesfeld, Joseph Watts, Duncan Lawler, Kiley Coifoid, and Jonathon Hackney. 

  • A reminder - the outfit you plan must be within the modesty rules we use for alternate dress days. No cut-offs, leggings, or short shorts to name a few. We want everyone to have fun but need to be respectful of the choices we make for clothes. If you choose not to dress the theme, regular Dennis uniform attire is required. Thursday is a regular St. Bede Academy dress code - no theme day. The final theme of the week will be Green and White day on Friday. 

  • Seniors: the “College Kick Off” college information night that was scheduled in your planners for tonight has been postponed until October 2nd 

  • Seniors attending the rotary luncheon today should be dismissed from class at 11:30 am, quickly change into Dennis uniform and meet at the main entrance of Science Center. Bring your signed permission forms if you have not already turned them in. 

  • Tea Club: $15 payment due ASAP. We want to order tea club tea-shirts soon. Classroom code is: v4pgkna 

  • Tickets for the Homecoming dance will be on sale during lunch this week. The cost is $10 for one ticket and $20 for two tickets. No names will be taken unless payment is provided. The dance will be held in the gym from 7-9:30 pm on Sunday, September 22. 

  • If you’re interested in purchasing a mum for your date, mom, aunt, grandma or anyone that would appreciate having one, please see Mrs. Manning. The cost is $5.00. 

  • Attention Senior and Junior girls that purchased a t-shirt for the Powder Puff game! If you did not pick up your t-shirt this morning, see Mrs. Manning after school today. She’ll be in her room until 3 pm. 

  • A Western Wednesday picture will be taken during homeroom today. Please meet in the science center. 

  • Mrs. Prushinski’s religion classes C, F, and G please report to the collaborative room. 


  • Will the following students see Mrs. Prokup: Clayton Justi, Joe Gengler, Evan Fitzpatrick, Leah Wilson, Arianna Heersink, Rylan Heersink, Alexandria Kunkel, Landon Jackson, Kristal DeLaTorre, Kailey Moore, Gia Gayan & Logan Link 

  • Jake Bradach see Mrs. Plankenhorn.