Daily Announcements - Monday, October 28, 2019
Marcia Wagner
God often chooses the most unlikely people to carry out incredible work.
Our Donor of the Day is: Mike and June Rossiter. Mr. Rossiter is a 1961 graduate and was here for Homecoming weekend along with several members of the Class of 1961. The Rossiters’ have also helped to make “Giving Tuesday” a great success by being one of our matching donors. We are blessed with their generosity and support for decades. Please keep them in a special prayer of thanks today.
Get your application in for the Boys' TEC this coming weekend.
Boys bowling practice today at 3:15 at Super Bowl.
Eric Dudek and Mackenzie Mrowicki. See Fr. Ronald tomorrow when you get back from ACC.
NET Days coming up November 21 and 22. Families needed to host 3 NET team members. If interested, please contact Fr. Ronald.
The Red Cross blood drive is at Saint Bede on November 15th. Sign-ups start today during second lunch. If you are 16 or older, be sure to get your spot!
Scholastic Bowl practice this week Wednesday and Thursday after school in the art studio
Wednesday after school there will be Halloween science demos in room 17 with Mr. Fitzpatrick
Ambassador meeting tonight at 5:30 in the Abbey Church
Ambassador Team #4 going to Oglesby Washington will leave after Period F
Open gym for girls basketball players whose fall sport commitments have ended will be tomorrow at 6:00 and Tuesday at 3:00
Keeley Thompson, Peter Sampson and Nick Lough. Please see Fr. Ronald now during homeroom.
Jaxon Lynch, Mia Mazzorana, Peter Sampson, Brayden Damerell, Josh Grob and Wilt Cao please see Mrs. Plankenhorn during homeroom today.
Student government will meet during homeroom today in Mrs. Manning’s room.
Last call for Bridge Competition sign-up, see Mr. Fitzpatrick today if you intend to compete.
Europe 2020 students: Meet in 213 Tuesday, Oct. 29. Need your input and have information.
Those interested in indoor soccer there is a meeting tomorrow in the refectory during homeroom.