Daily Announcements - Thursday, October 24, 2019
Marcia Wagner
Leaders don't just lead people to do things; they lead them to do the right things.
Our Donor of the Day is: Edward Filippini. Mr. Filippini is a 1960 graduate and we are blessed with his generosity and support for decades. Please keep him in a special prayer of thanks today.
Tomorrow is a schedule 2 dress code day. Jeans may be worn free of charge no holes or rips, modest tops and no hoodies. If you choose not to wear blue jeans our daily DENNIS uniform dress code needs to be followed.
Utica Knights of Columbus Council 1775 would like to thank all of the St. Bede students that participated in their annual Tootsie Roll Drive last weekend. You raised $543.37 that will go to help the intellectually disabled in our area. Great job BRUINS!!
Lectio tomorrow 1st and 2nd lunches. Newcomers always welcome.
The first boys' TEC the weekend of November 1st. Want more information? See Fr. Ronald.
The blue cart is empty. Let's get it filled again for the hungry in our area.
All service hours entered into the x2vol program on Oct. 18, 19, 20 or 21 will need to be deleted and re-entered. There was a problem with the x2vol program and verification emails were not being sent out on those days. If you do not delete those entries and re-enter them they will never be verified. Please see Ms. Bernabei if you have questions or need help. It is the responsibility of the student to make sure their service hours are verified and approved.
Scholastic bowl practice today after school
Senior Night for fall athletes is this Friday night. All senior athletes need to turn in their slips to Mrs. Damerell.immediately
The times have changed from what is indicated on the note. ALL seniors and parents need to be at the field prior to 6:30 pm as introductions will take place BEFORE the varsity football game warm-ups.
Following students Kassidy Brady, Perla DeLaTorre, Matt Pozzi, Alyssa Schirz and Amber Meagher see Mrs. Margherio during HR today.
Tina Li, please come see Mrs. Gonzalez during homeroom. Bring your Chromebook with you!
Don't forget, every Tuesday we meet in room 115 for the St. Bede prayer group. Everyone is welcome!
All students interested in playing on St. Bede indoor Soccer Club meeting in Refectory on October 29th during homeroom
Habitat for Humanity. Want to get involved this Saturday building a home? See Fr. Ronald today during homeroom. Have room for 4.
Logan Griggs, Wesley Coon, Keeley Thompson, Aidan Campbell. Please see Fr. Ronald during homeroom.
Nolan May please come to guidance today during homeroom.
All members of the cast for Fall Theatre should meet in Fr. Dominic’s room during homeroom (221).
Seniors going on the Mystery Trip see Fr. Ronald TOMORROW during homeroom.
Zach Roebuck, Christine Senica, Yusra Khan, see Coach McGunnigal today during homeroom