Daily Announcements - Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Marcia Wagner
If we don't know where we are going, then no amount of trying will get us there.
Our Donor of the Day is: James Donnelly. Mr. Donnelly is a 1962 graduate and lives in Richardson, TX. We are blessed with his kindness and support. Please keep him in a special prayer of thanks today.
Reminder: If you are wanting to be part of the Bruin Bowling team this year stop in Mrs. Plankenhorn’s office and sign up today.
Dismissal at 11:20 today all students except those taking Music Appreciation class at 11:24 need to be picked up by 11:30 today and tomorrow.
Friday is a schedule 2 dress code day. Jeans may be worn free of charge no holes or rips, modest tops and no hoodies. If you choose not to wear blue jeans our daily DENNIS uniform code needs to be followed.
Congratulations to Renn Ludford and Emma Borelli for being selected by St. Bede faculty and staff to represent our school as HOBY Ambassadors. HOBY Ambassadors are students who put forth outstanding leadership skills, confidence, community service, concern for others as well as other admirable traits. Renn and Emma will represent St. Bede at the HOBY State Leadership Seminar this summer to further develop their leadership skills.
The balloons on the first floor are a thank-you from the food pantry for all who made the Hy-Vee fill the bus such a successful event on Saturday.
Lectio Friday 1st and 2nd lunches. Newcomers always welcome.
The first boys' TEC the weekend of November 1st. Interested? See Fr. Ronald.
The blue cart is empty. Let's remember our hungry sisters and brothers.
Jose Bejarano, Brianda Cain, Aiden Campbell, Logan Link, Veronica Martin, Vincent Sampo, Keeley Thompson, Alyssa Williams & Erika Yanez. See Mrs. Margherio during HR today
Habitat for Humanity. Want to get involved this Saturday building a home? See Fr. Ronald today during homeroom. Have room for 4.
Scholastic bowl team meeting today during homeroom in art studio everyone must attend
Mia Marquez, Yadi Garcia, Addison Lee, Austin Godwin and Isabelle Monroe please see Mrs. Plankenhorn during home room today.
Camille Carlson and Mia Mazzorana see Coach Cumming’s during homeroom today.
All students interested in playing on St. Bede indoor Soccer Club meeting in Refectory on October 29th during homeroom