Daily Announcements - Monday, November 4, 2019
Marcia Wagner
Remember, whenever you are in a position to help someone, be glad and always do it, because that is God answering someone else's prayers through you.
Our Donor of the Day is Michael O’Connell. Mr. O’Connell is a 1980 graduate and is a loyal friend and supporter for decades. We are blessed with his kindness. Please keep him in a special prayer of thanks today.
NET Days coming up November 21 and 22. Families needed to host 3 NET team members. If interested, please contact Fr. Ronald.
Want to help a woman and her daughter have a home of their own? This coming Saturday you can help build it with Habitat for Humanity. See Fr. Ronald.
Keep those on the Boys' TEC this weekend in your prayers.
The next Last Supper Club outing will be Thursday, November 14th
Jake Dalaney, Caden Backes, Morgan Jones, Amber Meagher please see Ms. Bernabei today about your x2vol account.
Mrs. Horst's Periods D and G classes will meet outside the PE locker rooms today.
Congratulations to Camille Carlson and Jakob Stoddard for being selected at St. Bede Academy’s nominees for the Oglesby Elks Teen of the Month. Camille and Jakob are now in competition for Teen the Month with nominees from area schools.
Ambassadors are needed for work projects today in the Admissions Office during study halls
Student government executive board: please read a post on our Classroom page.
Grace Spolec please come to the Business Office.
The following students need to see Mrs. Manning during homeroom today: Nathan Potthoff, Alyssa Heitz, Berklee Linnig, Connor Jackson
The following students, please come see Mrs. Gonzalez in room 111 during homeroom: Lucy Kleczweski, Isabelle Monroe, Allison Morton, Audrey Lopez, Maddy Theesfeld, Jacob Schirz, Lizzie Echols, Frederick Fess, Austin Goodwin, Emily Szczepaniak, Elaina Wamhoff and Cassie Williams.
Macy Bosnich and Gwen Gonzalez please see Mrs. Plankenhorn during homeroom today.
The following students see Mrs. Wagner during homeroom today: Leon Han, Esabel Wei, Anna An, Claire Chen, Carleen Chen, Ivy Fan, Lily Liu, Sophia Su & Daniela Flores.
Kassiady Brady, Macy Bosnich, Antonia Cattani, Hannah Johnson, Christine Senica, and Abby Weber see Coach McGunnigal today during homeroom