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Daily Announcements

Daily Announcements - Thursday, October 31, 2019

Marcia Wagner

Ships don't sink because of the water around them; ships sink because of the water that gets in them. Don't let what's happening around you get inside you and weigh you down

  • Our Donor of the Day is: Mr. Michael and Paula Dwyer. Mr. Dwyer is a 1972 graduate from the Academy. He is the retired CEO and President of Daubert Chemical which has generously offered for the past two years a match on “Giving Tuesday”. Please keep them in a special “prayer of thanks” today.

  • Fall Sports Banquet is Sunday November 3rd @ 4pm in the Gymnasium. All Fall sport athletes and their parents are invited to attend. Athletes will receive their letters/ pins and special awards.

  • Utica Knights of Columbus Annual Seminarian Turkey Dinner - help needed serving Thanksgiving turkey dinner to seminarians on Sat, Nov 9, at the K of C Hall in Utica. All volunteers receive a free turkey dinner! Wear your St. Bede Spirit wear !! To volunteer see Ms. Bernabei.

  • Today Period A teachers will tell you your prayer partner for the year. If you do not get one, please see Fr. Ronald.

  • NET Days coming up November 21 and 22. Families needed to host 3 NET team members. If interested, please contact Fr. Ronald.

  • Let's get in Halloween mood and fill the blue cart with food items for our hungry sisters and brothers.

  • Ambassadors need to purchase their shirts by tomorrow for Open House. Cost is $20


  • Benjamin Burke, Brayden Cain, and Erin Gray please come to the school office during homeroom today.

  • Grace Spolec please come to the Business Office

  • Will the following students please come to room 115 during homeroom: Brandon Green, Mia Marquez, Zack Roebuck, Noah Setser, Nathan Carlson, Perla DeLa Torre, Addison Lee, Amber Meager, Ethan Fleming, Yadi Garcia and Nick Pearse.

  • Seniors going on the Mystery Trip see Fr. Ronald during homeroom or after ACC.

  • Nick Kerasotes. See Fr. Ronald during homeroom.

  • Cassie Williams, see Fr. Dom during homeroom today.

  • Caroline Moskalewicz and Zach Roebuck see Coach McGunnigal today during homeroom