Daily Announcements - Tuesday, January 21, 2020
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Accept the will of God, obey the will of God, or love the will of God. Which way will you choose?
Our Donor of the Day is James and Judith Flaherty. Mr. Flaherty is a 1971 graduate. We are blessed with their kindness and generosity for decades. Please keep them in a special prayer of thanks today.
Ms. Cox mother passed away over the weekend please keep her family in your prayers.
ATTENTION: The girl’s restroom on the first floor will be closed all week due to touch ups being done. Boy’s side will remain open. Girl’s please use the 2nd floor or commons rest rooms for the remainder of this week. Thank you!
Indoor track practice will start on Monday, January 27 at 3:00 pm in the basement of the school. Anyone that has not signed up and would still like to join the sign-up sheet is in Mrs. Plankenhorn’s office.
Pick some food. Many in our area are hungry. Let's fill the blue cart. A suggestion is Chunky Soup. Great for this time of year.
Boys' TEC at the end of February. Want to know more or get an application? See Fr. Ronald.
Lectio on Thursday. All sessions will meet on Thursday during your lunch period. Newcomers always welcome.
We will work on the Habitat for Humanity home on Saturday. Sign-up sheet on Fr. Ronald's door. Help a woman and her daughters have their first home.
Stage crew will meet at 2:50 today on the stage.
Anyone that’s interested in participating in the Polar Plunge for Special Olympics needs to go to Mrs. Manning’s room during homeroom beginning today or any day this week. Choose the homeroom date that works best with your schedule. Joining the team requires an electronic link that she’ll provide. Bring your Chromebook to get registered for our team!
If any of you have lost cash this morning, please come see Mrs. Gonzalez during homeroom to claim it.
Mr. Fitzpatrick’s C period class please report to room 231 for class today.
Jose Bejarano & Hannah Johnson please come to the Business Office.
Prom comm. meeting in room 16 today during homeroom.
Any softball player that did not attend the meeting Sunday, please see Mrs. Griggs today in the band room.
Isabelle Monroe, Gunnar Jauch, Olivia Cisneros, Anna Lopez, Emma Borelli, and Brianna Torres please see Mrs. Plankenhorn during homeroom today.
If you have been on a TEC, see Fr. Ronald during homeroom.
Allie Hernandez and Anton Cain Please see Fr. Ronald.