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Daily Announcements

Daily Announcements - Thursday, January 23, 2020

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Compassion is not seeing someone else's pain. Compassion is sharing their pain.

  • Our Donor of the Day is Rick Sterling. Mr. Sterling is a 1964 graduate of St. Bede. We are blessed with his kindness and generosity for decades. Please keep him in a special prayer of thanks today.

  • CONGRATULATIONS to the top 10 students in the graduating class of 2020: Macy Bosnich, Kassidy Brady, Camille Carlson, Antonia Cattani, Samuel Maschmann, Madison Miranda, Claudia Orteza, Peter Sampson, Madeline Spayer, and Jakyb Stoddard!

  • Scholastic bowl practice today after school in the art studio

  • Schedule 2 dress code tomorrow: Jeans may be worn free of charge no holes or rips, a modest top no crop tops and NO HOODIES. If you choose not to wear jeans our daily DENNIS uniform dress code must be followed.

  • The following students have won prizes for selling calendar raffles; Madelyn Torrance, Griffin Heuser, Olivia Wojcik, Noah Setser, Johnathon Hackney, Macy Bosnich, Kylie Cofoid, Madison Nelson, & Matthew Rich. Please see Mrs. Prokup.

  • Juniors: You are required to register and pay for the April 4th ACT online. The registration deadline is Feb 21st. Check your email for registration instructions. See Ms. Bernabei ASAP with questions.

  • Lectio today. Both Tuesday and Thursday groups meet today during your lunch period. If you are not able to be there, let Fr. Ronald know so he can have the correct number of Bruin Bowl lunches.

  • We will work on the Habitat for Humanity home on Saturday. Sign up sheet on Fr. Ronald's door. Help a woman and her daughters have their first home. No experience necessary.

  • The blue cart doesn't have one item of food in it, yet. Let's remember our hungry sisters and brothers. Soup would be a great item to bring in.

  • This coming week is Catholic Schools Week. We will have class masses followed by breakfast, beginning with seniors on Tuesday Period A.

  • Boys' TEC the last weekend of February. See Fr. Ronald for an application or more information.


  • Student government will meet during homeroom in Mrs. Manning’s room today.

  • Renn Ludford please go to Mrs. Manning’s room and bring your computer.

  • Anyone that’s interested in participating in the Polar Plunge for Special Olympics needs to go to Mrs. Manning’s room during homeroom today or any day this week. Choose the homeroom date that works best with your schedule. Joining the team requires an electronic link that she’ll provide. Bring your Chromebook to get registered for our team!

  • Anyone interested in playing Overwatch competitively for St. Bede's eSports team, please see Mr. Fess during Homeroom in the computer lab.

  • Wesley Coon, Anton Cain and Logan Zeglis. Please see Fr. Ronald during homeroom.