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St. Bede Alumni Association selects 2024 Distinguished Alumnus

Goldie Rapp

James B. Gamache ’72 will be honored during annual Bruins Brunch over Homecoming weekend

The St. Bede Alumni Association is pleased to announce that James B. “Jim” Gamache has been selected as the 2024 Distinguished Alumnus Award Recipient. 

Gamache is originally from La Salle where he attended St. Patrick’s Grade School. He graduated with honors from St. Bede Academy in 1972. While at St. Bede, he played three sports each year and was the lead in the theatrical production of, “Macbeth.” He credits St. Bede with providing him with the guiding principles and a sound world view that helped lay the groundwork for his future successes.

After graduating from Augustana College in Rock Island, Ill., Gamache had a successful 40-year-plus career in the transportation and logistics industry as a key executive with industry leaders, including Roadway Express, Inc., YRC Regional Transportation and CarrierWeb LLC.

Most recently, he was a partner at NexGen Logistics Capital, a private equity firm. Over the years, Gamache has held public and private board of director positions. He also received additional education and training from Columbia University, Stanford University, the University of Virginia and Case Western Reserve University. Over his career, he is most proud of the work he did in expanding diversity in the companies he worked for.

As Gamache’s career responsibilities matured, he managed to find considerable time to give back to his community. As a parishioner at Our Lady of Mercy in Aurora, Ill. he founded a ministry to assist the unemployed and underemployed. This ministry was later expanded to include the diocese of Joliet. He also supported a young college student’s missionary work through the Fellowship of Catholic University Students.

Throughout his career, Gamache has continually dedicated his support and commitment to St. Bede Academy and the Benedictine traditions. He serves on the St. Bede Academy Advisory Board and played a critical role in coordinating his class’s 50th anniversary celebration and the raising of over $140,000 for the renovation of the main stairs and entryway of the school building. He has also been instrumental in providing and raising funds for the tuition of two Ukrainian boarding students at St. Bede and is a strong advocate of the boarding program.

Probably the most amazing aspect of Gamache’s resume began by happenstance when he had an impactful meeting with a mother and her five-year-old son during a trip in September 2022 in Poland. 

As Gamache describes it, “I made the decision to go to Ukraine after I met a mother and her five-year-old son at the Ukraine-Poland border.”

After speaking with the mother and hearing her story about how she just saw her husband for the first time in five months, he was determined to return to Ukraine and help in any way that he could. He has since made multiple trips to Ukraine and has volunteered with numerous humanitarian organizations, providing food and medical supplies to civilians and soldiers. Over the course of the last 18 months, Gamache has been able to raise directly or indirectly well over $100,000 for the benefit of the organizations he has assisted through presentations at churches and social groups.

Additionally, Gamache regularly travels in Ukraine with an American freelance journalist, interviewing individuals from all walks of life throughout the country, documenting their stories of their fight for freedom.

Most recently, in March of 2024, Gamache formed Defendica Systems Inc., a military technology company with a wholly-owned subsidiary in Ukraine whose mission is to support the defense of Ukraine with Ukrainian sourced technology.

Gamache currently resides in Aurora, Ill. with his fiancé, Robin. His two sons and five grandchildren live in Oregon. He has a brother, Ken, a 1974 St. Bede graduate, and a sister, Pat Pattelli.

Given Gamache’s tireless efforts for the people of Ukraine, as well as his community service throughout his successful career, he exemplifies how one should live in accordance with the Rules of St. Benedict and the St. Bede Alumni Association is proud to honor him as the Distinguished Alumnus of 2024.

Gamache will be formally recognized for this honor during the annual Bruins Brunch hosted by the Alumni Association over St. Bede’s Homecoming weekend. The Brunch takes place on Sunday, Sept. 29, in the Perino Science Center.