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St. Bede Soccer gets the ball rolling!

Jonathan Steben

When looking at St. Bede Academy’s list of athletic teams, it was always noticeable that soccer was missing from the rosters. In years past, it existed as a club, and there was hope that a team may materialize in the future.

All that changed this fall, as St. Bede assembled an IHSA soccer team competing in an abbreviated junior varsity season this year. The team’s members span the entire school, featuring students from freshmen through seniors, both male and female. As is the case with sports such as football, female students can compete in male sports seasons, allowing all students to give St. Bede’s newest sport a go this fall.

St. Bede Soccer following their first match at Rotary Park in LaSalle, IL. The Bruins finished with a 1-1 draw.

The Bruins competed in their first match at Rotary Park in LaSalle this past Monday, September 9 against Somonauk High School, resulting in a 1-1 draw. Freshman midfielder Ankinimbom Yong scored the team’s lone goal deep in the first half.

Despite only practicing together for about 3 weeks, there is a positive mood around the new squad. Head coach David Garcia has been emphasizing to the players the importance of playing as a team. “Teamwork, that’s the main thing, and also getting to know each other, how they play their positions,” Garcia said of their goals in early practices. “The goal is for everyone to focus on their position, take care of their spot, work together as a team, and put all their heart in and represent this institution as best they can.”

Ankinimbom Yong ‘28 dribbles past a Somonauk defender.

As they are a young team, the philosophy for the Bruins is to build a foundation for the future. “When one loses, we all lose. When one wins, we all win. Support each other, even though there are mistakes, we always have to learn from the mistakes and not be afraid of making them.”

While they have their goals on the pitch, the impact of starting a new team at St. Bede isn’t lost on the players. Senior goalie and captain Haiden Ator is proud to be a trailblazer for the program. “It means I get to pave the way for all future student athletes who have been wanting and looking forward to playing soccer. I get to help the rough edges, smoothing things out, helping the coaches work with the team, work on plays, and help organize things”, said Ator.

While still in their infancy, the sport is excited for a new season and to welcome fans to their games. Ator encouraged fans to join in the fun, saying “People should check out a game because it is new to St. Bede, we have a good team, a good foundation, and it’s always fun to watch a soccer game!”.

The St. Bede Bruins will take on Streator Township High School’s junior varsity squad this coming Monday, September 16 at 4:30.

Michael Schulz ‘27 handles the ball around a Somonauk forward.


9/16 – @ Streator Township High School

9/24 – @ Calvary Christian

9/26 - @ Coal City High School

10/1 - @ Illinois Valley Central High School

10/4 – @ Riverdale High School

10/7 – vs. Oregon High School, Rotary Park in LaSalle