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Chaplain's Day welcomes in the class of 2028

Goldie Rapp

Student Ambassadors (green shirts) lead a photo scavenger hunt with incoming freshmen on Chaplain’s Day.

Of the many traditions held at St. Bede Academy, Chaplain’s Day is one of the most revered and anticipated of the year, and this year’s event held special gravity due to two very important parties. Student Chaplain Fr. Dominic and the Student Ambassadors teamed up to welcome the class of 2028 with a day full of valuable information and activities to prepare them for the school year.

As the name would suggest, Fr. Dominic had an important role in Chaplain’s Day. He spoke with new students about the importance of accountability, courtesy and reverence. These three concepts guide his Religion 1 classes and will be emphasized throughout the year with the whole student body. He also taught them the new school hymn, with text written by Fr. Dominic, which highlights the importance of learning from the Order of St. Benedict, leading in service, and opening our doors to others.

Utilizing these themes of courtesy, accountability and reverence, the Ambassadors set about opening the doors to the freshmen. They, along with Director of Enrollment Management Jon Steben, assured the new students that they are not alone in any fears they face coming into the day and that they can achieve their goals through the tried-and-true curriculum of the Academy. They participated in a photo scavenger hunt to learn more about the grounds of this storied campus, walked their schedule, learned how to navigate the halls of the school and even enjoyed lunch as a typical SBA student would. For the final activity of the day, freshmen learned things that the Ambassadors wish they knew as freshmen - hallway etiquette, emphasizing time management and learning how to behave as a proud SBA student were just a few of the topics covered.

With the teachings of Fr. Dominic and hands-on experience of the Ambassadors, the class of 2028 received an invaluable education on how to get the most out of St. Bede Academy. We are so excited to see all that they accomplish and the heights they will reach!