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Inside the Bruin Learning Center

Goldie Rapp

This school year, St. Bede’s Academic Achievement office transformed into a learning resource center that has been an effective resource for any student seeking out assistance in homework, organization or studying.

The Bruin Learning Center – or BLC – has been keeping students on track in challenging courses or who are needing that extra help outside of class with assignments. The program has continued to grow and track increased success throughout its first semester.

Before the BLC, the Academic Achievement was only geared for students needing accommodations through a service plan or 504 plan.

BLC Director Abigail (Milus) Nambo ’12 said it’s been her goal to provide an effective learning environment where students feel comfortable asking for help, whether it be help advocating for themselves, studying, organization or just a comfortable space for them to be in.

“It has been exciting and promising watching the Bruin Learning Center evolve this year and the collaboration that has happened amongst the students within the room. Students have bonded and have willingly helped others without hesitation,” she said. 

Alongside Nambo is BLC tutor Pam Wright whose role is to create a better understanding of the material students have in their curriculums.

“Working in the BLC with students has been very rewarding. Every hour is different, with different challenges to face,” she said.

Wright also assists students with homework assignments, prepares them for quizzes and tests and teaches students to be more organized and efficient with their studies. For the 504 and ISP students, she administers tests and is a test proctor.

“The students are very respectful and willing to learn and grasp the information needed to accomplish their homework or to prepare for a test or quiz. They understand we are here to help them and they appreciate the help we do,” she said. “The students who come into the BLC create a comradery with each other and also try to help each other when possible. I have seen a big improvement in the students’ grades, as well as their attitude and self confidence from being more self-reliant.”

Wright and Nambo also work collaboratively with Social Worker Megan Theisinger, Academic Counselor Theresa Bernabei and Principal Nick McLaughlin while utilizing a tiered intervention program that provides students the necessary tools to be successful.

“We are able to bridge communication gaps, catch concerns early on and implement a plan for the student,” Nambo said, adding this sort of close collaboration is what sets St. Bede apart from other schools.

In its first semester, the team has witnessed several successes – big and small. One worth mentioning is the students who utilize the BLC regularly, which has resulted in them dropping off the eligibility report.

As the BLC continues to grow and fulfill needs of the students, Nambo is also working on a plan to extend the BLC’s peer tutoring program to local grade schools.