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St. Bede Academy announces 2022-23 Illinois State Scholars

Goldie Rapp

The 2022-23 Illinois State Scholars are Kylie Cofoid (from left) of LaSalle, Kristal De La Torre of Oglesby, Gianna Grivetti of Ladd, Madelyn Torrance of Granville and Isabella Villalobos of Princeton

Saint Bede Academy Principal Nick McLaughlin is pleased to announce that five academy students have been recognized as 2022-23 Illinois State Scholars.

 The prestigious award is given annually by the Illinois Student Assistance Commission (ISAC), which recognizes high school students from across the state. Illinois State Scholar winners rank in the top ten percent of high school seniors from 749 high schools across Illinois. Selection is based on SAT, ACT and/or Prairie State Achievement Exam scores and/or class rank at the end of the junior year.  High school guidance counselors work in conjunction with ISAC to determine the winners. 

“These students have challenged themselves with our most rigorous curriculum. Their efforts and hard work exemplify the standards set forth by the Illinois State Scholar program. We continue to be delighted by the prestige of this honor and the ability of our students to meet the requirements set forth by the commission,” said McLaughlin.

 The honored students include: Kylie Cofoid (Peru Parkside) of LaSalle, Kristal De La Torre (Trinity Catholic Academy) of Oglesby, Gianna Grivetti (Peru Catholic) of Ladd, Madelyn Torrance (Putnam County Junior High) of Granville and Isabella Villalobos (Holy Cross) of Princeton.

The recognition does not include a monetary award, but recipients are encouraged to cite the honor on college admission forms, applications and scholarship applications.