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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Friday, February 17, 2023

Guest User

Prayer, humility, and charity toward all are essential in the Christian life.  They are the way to holiness.

  • Those going on Ski Trip.  Departure is at 8:00 on Monday.  Check e-mail on Sunday night. 

  •  Boys' TEC is coming up the first weekend of March.  If you want to go or to know more, please see Fr. Ronald.

  •  Polar Plunge a week from Saturday. Keep working on getting your pledges totaling $100.

  •  Over the weekend, please pick up some food to fill the blue cart.

  •  Softball players, please turn in fish fry ticket money to Mrs. Griggs and lotto tree money today.  Schedules will be emailed by Monday.

  •  Scholastic Bowl Saturday the Masonic Tournament at Byron Middle school Bus time 6:20 am

  •  Students: when throwing away a beverage, please make sure to drain your cans, cups, or bottles. When you don’t, it creates extra work for our janitorial staff. Thank you!

  •  Attention Stage Rats! We will be meeting tonight at 7:30 p.m. in the kitchen to finished clean up after our event. Saturday and Sunday evenings, we'll meet in the gym at 7:30 p.m.


  • Kaelyn Schwemlein, Ali Bosnich, Kyra Newman, & Johnna Bogatitus, please come to the main office Now

  •  The following please see Fr. Ronald NOW during homeroom:  Alyssa Engels, Callan Hueneburg, Tom Makransky, Abby Michels, Brendan Pillion, Jaelyn Weber, Catherine Leon, Ryan Shue, Bella Verucchi.

  •  Jazmin Barreras & Madeline Fabish see Ms. Bernabei now.