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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Friday, December 16, 2022

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  • SAT Word of Day: Facile- appearing comprehensive by ignoring the complexities of the situation

  •  Please keep in mind that with the colder weather and holidays approaching, the class trees are up for donations, hats, gloves, and scarves are a great way to give to those in need!!!

  •  Mrs. Cox’s E1 study hall to report to Mrs. Bruner’s room 212.

  •  Anyone interested in auditioning for the spring musical taking place in March, please join the google classroom.  The code is C34zvke

  • Auditions are planned the week that you come back from Christmas Break.

  •  Times for confession available today Period D   Monday: Periods E1, F, G: Confessions in the small conference room of the science center.

  •  Christmas caroling at Liberty Village after exams on Wednesday.  Lunch, afterwards, on Fr. Ronald.

  •  Students who have lockers on the 3rd floor or in the basement please start bringing any non-essential items home. Your locker will need to be completely emptied when you leave for Christmas break!


  • Matthew Ma please come to the main office now. Thank You!