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Daily Announcements

Daily Announcements - Thursday, February 13, 2020

Marcia Wagner

Jesus cares more about your future than he does about your past..

  • Our Donor of the Day is Dr. Dale Mueller. Dr. Mueller is a 1983 graduate and lives in Florida. We are blessed with his kindness and generosity for decades. Please keep him in a special prayer of thanks today.

  • All Polar Plunge participants need to hand in their release form to Mrs. Manning by the end of the week.

  • Turnabout dance tickets will be on sale beginning next week during lunch periods. The cost is $5.00 per person. The dance will be on Saturday, March 7 from 7-9:30 pm in the gym.

  • Jean Day tomorrow. Collection will go to your classes fund for toilet paper towers. If you give more than $3, be sure to tell those collecting so that your class will be credited. Jeans must be in good repair no holes or rips modest tops no hoodies or half shirts.

  • Seniors, Turn in pgs. 1 & 2 of your North Central Bank CBAI Scholarship application to Ms. Bernabei due today. Your essay cannot not be entered in the scholarship competition without the cover pages.

  • Teen of the Month applications due to guidance Friday, Feb 14th There will be no Teen of the Month if applications are not received.

  • Juniors- If you haven’t registered for the April ACT do it now. Turn in a copy of your ACT ticket to Ms. Bernabei when your registration is complete. Due Feb 21st. You will be charged a late fee by ACT if you miss the deadline.

  • We can do it. What? Fill the blue cart so food can be delivered to our hungry sisters and brothers.

  • The following people need to hand in their release form to Mrs. Manning by the end of the week: Ben Koyak, Nolan May, Berklee Linning, Maddy Nelson, Madi Rhodes, Krystal DeLa Torre, Emma Borelli, Jakyb Stoddard, Addison Lee, Mia Marquez, Zach Roebuck, Perla DeLa Torre, Renn Ludford, and Caroline Moskalewicz. Mendota Polar Plunge will not allow people to participate if the form isn’t filled out and handed in.


  • All 10 students who competed in the AMC Math Competition there will be a group photo in the Commons Area now.

  • There will be a meeting for all Polar Plunge participants today homeroom in Mrs. Manning’s room.

  • Caden Backes come to Room 111 during homeroom today.

  • Nick Pearse and Simon Li please see Mrs. Plankenhorn during homeroom today.