ANNOUNCEMENTS - Tuesday, February 18, 2025
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SAT Word of the Day:
abort (v.) to give up on a half-finished project or effort
After they ran out of food, the men, attempting to travel around the world, had to ABORT and go home.
Congratulations to Alan Spencer and Andrea Brandner for being nominated for Oglesby Elks Teen of the Year!
Seniors: sign up for your IVCC First-year Counseling & Registration appointment NOW! You will need to submit a College Visit Day form if your appointment time is during the school day. Any student planning to take a summer class at IVCC should also schedule an appointment. These appointment times are being held until Feb 21st at 4 pm for St Bede students only. After that date they will be given to students from other high schools. See the link in your email.
There is a quick meeting for all softball players planning to play this spring in the science center after school today. Season starts in 2 weeks, please plan to attend.
Ambassadors: plan to meet in the Loft tomorrow during homeroom. We’ll touch base about Shadow Days and Tour Day, both of which are coming up quickly!
Congratulations to Greyson Marincic making the Scholastic Bowl All-Tournament team in the second position at the “Streator Lightning” on Saturday.
Scholastic Bowl this week: practice today after school – Thursday match vs Midland home and Saturday is the Masonic Tournament.
Will the following students please report to the main office: Demian Baker, Sadie Koehler, Gavin Gillan, Grady Gillan, Matilda Mitchell, Kamila Ortiz, and Shane Rounds.
All wrestlers meet in the weight room during homeroom for a brief meeting.
Drew Carboni and Gino Ferrari please see Mr. Hancock. Bring your chromebooks.
Bailey Engels and Greyson Marincic please come to the Development Office.
Good luck to all the teams competing tonight:
Girls V BB vs. Marquette