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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS Monday, December 13, 2021

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The word advent means "expectation." What advent can do for us is create a sense of hope.

  • This evening at 6:00 is our Last Supper Club outing to Skoogs in Utica. If you want to go and haven't signed up, please do so before noon today.

  • Want to brighten the lives of our senior citizens?  Christmas sing along at Liberty Village on Friday after last exam.  Fr. Ronald is providing lunch afterwards. Sign-up sheet on his office door.

  • Tuesday, December 14, everyone is invited to wear comfortable “holiday themed” clothes. This may include NON-hooded sweatshirts and sweatpants. Leggings will not be allowed and you will be asked to change clothes if you come to school in them.

  • Any Heritage Club members who are attending the mandala painting event on Wednesday, December 15th after finals MUST come to Mrs. Rynkewicz's room RIGHT NOW for information.

  • English 1001 students you need to be at school Tuesday by 8:29 am and Wednesday by 9:02 am.

  • ACC students:  You will have your Exam at ACC on Wednesday, you do not need to come to St. Bede on Wednesday.  Thursday and Friday you must report to St. Bede by 7:50 am.

  • Juniors and seniors with period C study hall on Wednesday, period F on Thursday, and period H on Friday may leave campus and do not have to attend your regularly scheduled study hall.  These are the ONLY students and classes that may leave during the last periods on final days!  NO EXCEPTIONS!!

  • Any test to stay students that have not yet tested please report to the testing room now.


  • Katie Zeller please see Fr. Ronald now.

  • David Liu, Wilt Cao, Aaron Wang, and Josie Zhou see Mrs. Wagner NOW.

  • Bella Verruchi, Aubree Acuncius, Logan Humpage Bring your Chromebooks to Mr. Harlow's office. 

  • The scholastic bowl team will meet Tuesday during homeroom in the Loft