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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS Monday, November 22, 2021

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Creativity is everywhere, if you know where to look for it.  And it is in you.

  • Tomorrow is our all-school Thanksgiving service. Please remember to bring your class item to be donated to the food pantry.  We will take up a collection at the service.

  • Please bring a pen or pencil to the Thanksgiving prayer service. Also, Advent calendar boxes will be available for collecting during Advent.

  • Applications for Girls' TEC are due.  See Fr. Ronald, now. If you don’t have it, let Fr. Ronald know you still intend to turn it in.

  • Scholastic Bowl today at LP leaving at 3:20 meet in the Art studio before 3:15 today

  • The following Heritage Club members MUST come get their Advent calendars TODAY: Lia Bosnich, Abbie George, Jaden Hart, Ari Kaufmann, Kaitlyn Kobilsek, Grace Maschmann, Kristina Penaverde, Lily RauhFernandez, Leah Smudzinski, & Jack Wallace. All members need to have their money turned in to Mrs. Rynkewicz by Tuesday, November 30th. 

  • Period A English 4 students check your St. Bede email!

  • For students signed up for Wednesday’s Chicago museum trip you should be to the front of the school by 7:50 AM. The bus will leave promptly at 8 AM. Masks are required. Wear comfortable and appropriate clothing and shoes for walking.

  • Any Junior and Senior boys interested in a powder puff volleyball game on December 17th signups will be on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday when we return from Thanksgiving break. It will be $10 for a shirt when you sign up $12 for sizes 2x and up 

  • Over your Thanksgiving break don't forget about those who may not be as fortunate and  consider donating items to your class giving tree when you return from break


  • The following groups are asked to see Fr. Ronald, now:

  • Advent Reflections: Marco Rizzi, Paige Kraml, Patrick Harmon, Rylee Mc Gunnigal and Jaden Hart. Please get them to Fr. Ronald TODAY

  • Prayer Service:  Dylan Thomas Harris, Michael Shaw, Adeline Mitchell, Ari Kaufmann, Wilt Cao, Molly Gonzales and Reagan Stoudt your assistance is wanted at tomorrow’s service.

  • ·Ella Hermes and John Brady please come to the Development Office to see Mrs. Koyak during homeroom today.

  • Jordyn Martin, Ryann Stoudt and Jaelyn Weber please come to the main office.