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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Monday, April 3, 2023

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Without love, deeds, even the most brilliant, count as nothing.

  • SAT Word of the Day: Overwrought- agitated; overdone

    The lawyer’s overwrought voice on the phone made her clients worry about the outcome of their case.

  •  If your name was drawn at the prayer service Thursday, see Fr. Ronald today for your prize.

  •  Thursday will be our final prayer service this Lent.  We will celebrate World Down Syndrome Day.  We will follow our dress code with option of Crazy Socks.   Details to follow. 

  •  Mass and breakfast before school on Wednesday.  Sign-up sheet on board near Fr. Ronald's office.

  •  Our Lenten Goal is $4,110.  We are now at $3,373 which is 82% of our goal.  Seniors 87%; Juniors 88%; Sophomores 62%; Freshmen 77%.

  •  Thursday, April 6, 2023, (2:40PM) is the LAST DAY TO SUBMIT guest request forms for SBA prom. Forms may be turned into Mrs. Nambo, Mrs. Hurst or Mrs. Leffelman. NO ACCEPTIONS.

  •  Juniors: College Information Night is TOMORROW from  6-7:30 pm in the PSC. Be there!

  • All girls interested in Volleyball next year are to meet Tuesday during homeroom in the Refectory.

  • Any SBA young lady attending prom in need of a dress, sale of gently used dresses available Monday, April 3, 2023 in the PSA (2:50pm to 4:00pm).  Majority of the dresses are $50.00, a select few for $75.00. See Mr. Hancock or Mrs. Leffelman with questions or concerns. 

  •  Thursday, there will be locker clean out. You will need to take all items home with you as the lockers are being repaired over break. No items should be left in the locker.

  •  Tomorrow, there will be a graduation meeting for all seniors in refectory.

  •  All boarding students meet in dorm dining room after school.

  •  Juniors and Seniors: you have received an email with a link to the Prom Shirt order form. This was sent by Alyssa Engels. Please keep your eye out for the email and be sure to fill out the form BY APRIL 6TH at 2:40 p.m.


  • Will the following Juniors please see Mrs. Hurst in the Main Office:

    Joe Bima, Sam Bima, Kristina Penaverde, Drew Roda, Kaelyn Schwemlein, and Marly Tillman.

  •  Tomorrow there will be a volleyball meeting for anyone interested in playing next year. Please meet Coach Hanson in the LOFT.

  • Jaelyn Weber, Ryan Migliorini and Jake Migliorini.  Please see Fr. Ronald during homeroom.