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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Thursday, March 2, 2023

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Sometimes the bad things that happen in our lives put us directly on the path to the best things that will ever happen to us.

  • Ø SAT Word of The Day: Zephyr- soft gentle breeze

  •  Collection will be taken for Lenten class charities this morning at our prayer service. Please bring your donation to church.

  •  Last Supper Club TODAY at 6:00 at Big Apple.  Sign-up sheet near Fr. Ronald's office. Please sign up by lunch so a number can be given to the restaurant.

  •  Make your own pizza night on Saturday at 6:30. Please sign up by end of school today. Sign-up sheet near Fr. Ronald's office.

  •  All Students: Peru Library is inviting you to attend Teen Game Night This Friday, March 3rd from 6:30-8:30 at the Peru Library. Also, every 2nd Friday of the month starting March 10th from 3:30-4:45, you are invited to join Anime Club also at the Peru Library. Flyers will be placed around the building with information.

  •  Heritage Club members NEED to indicate their attendance for the banh mi tasting scheduled for Friday after school! Do this ASAP!

  • Students: One of you lost your sandal in the parking lot. If you would like to stop by the main office, you will see it displayed on Mrs. Hurst’s deck!

  •  Attention Stage Rats! You get tonight off, but work sessions will be held Friday and Saturday nights at 7:30 p.m. We're making great progress, so let's keep up the pace! ~

  •  Anna Rudenko see Ms. Bernabei today before the end of the day.