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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Friday, November 17, 2023

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It seems to be much easier to give love than to receive it.  Can you find the courage to accept that gift?

  • SAT Word of the Day: 

    • torpid – adj. lethargic; inactive

      • Do your best to avoid being TORPID over the long break!

  • We will be out next week.  We return and in a little over a week is the deadline for our Christmas Toy Drive on December 5.  Details can be gotten from your religion teachers.  Please pick up some toys over the Thanksgiving break.

  • Not too late to sign up for Girls' TEC the first weekend of December.  If you need an application or more information, see Fr. Ronald.

  • In less than a week we will be feasting on Thanksgiving.  Let's remember our hungry sisters and brothers and fill the Big Blue Cart with food.

  • Coach Allen’s G period will meet in Ms. Staggs’s room, room 213.

  • The Weightroom will be open over the Break!  On Tuesday Coach Eustice will be there from 4:30-5:45.  Coach Allen is available during the day on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday – Contact him when you want to lift!

  • Tonight is Opening night for Fall Theatre! SBA students and faculty are admitted free of charge. Come see three terrific shows, including the world premiere of this year's original script, written by your fellow students. Performances are Friday and Saturday at 7:30 p.m. in the abbey church.

  • Congratulations to Max Bray on being named Honorable Mention Class 1A All-State by the Illinois High School Football Coaches Association!

  • Congrats to the girls basketball team on their win at the Pontiac Turkey Tip-Off. Great job Bruins!


  • If you are interested in being on the Prom Committee stop to see Mrs. Nambo today!

  • Adriana Buchanan, Rubi De La Torre, Madeline Fabish, Danny Garcia, Ashlan Heersink, Weston Heersink and Brennen Hirst please see Mrs. Rapp in the Development Office.

  • Ella Burris, Anna Rudenko, Olivia Orteza, Ava Mueller, Amanda Wojcik, Zach Popurella see Ms. Bernabei today for CBAI scholarship information.