ANNOUNCEMENTS - Thursday, November 16, 2023
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When life gets uncomfortable, unpredictable, when you feel weak or empty -- that's when you have an opportunity to become more like Christ.
SAT Word of the Day:
Sanguine (SAN-gwin) - adj. optimistic or positive, especially in an apparently bad or difficult situation.
Despite not scheduling any job interviews, he remained SANGUINE about his future employment.
We will be out next week. We return and in a little over a week is the deadline for our Christmas Toy Drive on December 5. Details will be given by some of your teachers.
This is the last day to put contributions in the container in the science center. The funds are for Speed the Light that helps missionaries throughout the world. Thanks for your generosity.
We will soon be feasting on Thanksgiving. Let's remember our hungry sisters and brothers and fill the Big Blue Cart with food.
It’s not too late to sign up for Girls' TEC the first weekend of December. If you need an application or more information, see Fr. Ronald.
Hey you! Ambassadors! Yeah, you! Have you filled out the Google Sheet and Reading Survey? No? Then go to the Google Classroom and do it now!
Our Fall Theatre Production is this weekend, Friday and Saturday at 7:30 p.m. in the Abbey Church. Tickets are $5 at the door, but Saint Bede students and faculty attend for free. Come see three short plays, including an original one written by Academy students.
No Scholastic bowl practice today and no tournament on Saturday. The next practice will be Thursday Nov 30.
$5 sweatpants day for Prom Committee FRIDAY!
Kenny Mudge & Ruby Michels, please see Mr. Hancock and bring your chromebooks.
Johnnie Brown, Adriana Buchanan, Trayger Davis, Rubi De La Torre, Bailey Engels, Avery Entrican and Daliayah Farris please see Mrs. Rapp in the Development Office.