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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Thursday, May 5, 2022

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It is in our weakness that God's strength is revealed to us. 

  • Seniors:  Posters from your Freshman Chaplain's Day are in the science center.  If you want any, take them.

  • The final Last Supper Club outing of the year is this coming Tuesday. Sign-up sheet on Fr. Ronald's office door.  Transportation will be available.

  • Not much in the Blue Cart now.  Let's get it filled with food before the end of the school year.

  • Nominations are open for positions as student government class representatives. An explanation of the process and requirements was sent to all student emails before spring break. The deadline to submit your name to Mrs. Manning is today by 2:40 pm. The election will be held on Friday, May 6.  If Mrs. Manning is not in room 26/28 in the morning, please check room 31 across the hallway. Her room is being used for senior exams.

  • Voting for student government class representatives will be electronic. Tomorrow an email will be sent to all student accounts and include a Google Form on which to vote. Access to the Form will be from 6:00 am--noon. Please remember to vote! 

  • Ms. Bernabei’ s office has moved to room 104 across from the main office. 

  • IVCC is looking for summer help in the IT department.  Check your student email for application information.

  • No tennis practice today.

  • Class changes for tomorrow period C: Mrs. Morrow class to room 18, Mrs. Manning’s class to room 31; Period D Mrs. Manning’s room to room 111 and Mrs. Leffelman

  • Ambassador interview selections are posted outside of Mrs. Wagner’s office for freshman and sophomores.


  • Macy Zeglis please come to the main office.

  • Wilt Cao, Ray Zou, Aaron Wang, and David Liu see Mrs. Mershon after finals.