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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Guest User

Simply slowing down improves almost everything in our lives.  

  • Last Supper Club TODAY to Alberto's in Ottawa.  Please let Fr. Ronald know, if you will get there on your own or will ride in the van.  Departure at 5:30.

  • If you still have a Rice Bowl from Lent, please return to Fr. Ronald.

  • Tomorrow a report will be given on the collection we made for our Lenten charities.

  • The Bishop will have confirmation on Tuesday in Dalzell. If you would like to be an altar server for the Bishop please see Fr. Ronald.

  • There is a meeting in the Refectory immediately after school for anyone interested in Bass Fishing.

  • Students all materials need to be returned to your lockers before coming to the refectory for lunch. If you are a backpack carrier take your backpack to your Period E class before coming to the refectory.

  • Reminder: headphones of ANY kind are only to be used when a teacher has instructed you to do so.

  • Free Jeans Day this Friday.

  • Students attending the Rotary Banquet the banquet is this Sunday, April 24th, at Senicas Oak Ridge. Doors open at 4:30. Dinner is at 5:00.

  • Nominations are open to run for a position on the student government executive board. An explanation of the process and requirements was sent to all student emails. The deadline to submit your name to Mrs. Manning is 2:40 pm on Tuesday, April 26. The election will be held on Friday, April 29.  

  • Everyone interested in golfing next year be advised the Golf Room will be open afterschool Tuesdays and Thursdays.

  • Ms. Gavina’s H period study hall please report to room 327 the rest of the week.

  • Spring Concert is Sunday in the church.

  • Weather permitting, tennis players should report to Hegeler Park at 3:45 today.


  • All Seniors meet in the Refectory now.

  • Katie Zeller please see Fr. Ronald now.

  • Anna Lopez please come to the main office.

  • Ryann Stoudt please stop in the main office.