ANNOUNCEMENTS - Friday, April 12, 2024
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Stop watching for things to happen. Go out and make them happen.
SAT Word of the Day:
empirical – adj. originating in or based on observation or experience
He cited EMPIRICAL evidence for his argument rather than gut feelings.
28 seniors have completed the senior survey for the yearbook. 37 still need to complete. Please check your email from Mrs. Griggs for the link. If you cannot find it, please email her so you can get your information collected for the yearbook.
Sophomore Ambassador candidates in softball/baseball: please bring your interview form to Mr. Steben ASAP.
Any juniors or seniors who want to take the new dual credit US History or College Algebra classes next year need to let Ms. Bernabei or Mr. McLaughlin know by Friday, April 19th.
Seniors: don’t forget to complete ALL the items on your Senior To Do list. These things are IMPORTANT! See Ms. Bernabei asap if you need help.
Junior and senior boys: there will be a powderpuff volleyball match on Friday, April 26. To sign up, Juniors see Phillip Gray or Greyson Marincic. Seniors see Logan Potthoff.
Attention all varsity softball players, please meet in the Refectory today at 3:00 for a brief meeting! Thank you!
So nice, they beat them twice! Congrats to the softball team for a second 7-3 win over Dwight.
Ali and Lily Bosnich, Sadie and Lila Koehler, Jeanna Ladzinski, Emerald and Rubi De La Torre, Lena and Erin Sartin, and Emma Smudzinski, please see Mr. Steben in the Loft.
Frank Fan and Marco Rizzi, see Ms. Bernabei NOW.
Analia Salas, see Ms. Bernabei NOW. Please bring your Chromebook.