ANNOUNCEMENTS - Monday, March 25, 2024
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Faith: it does not make things easy. It makes them possible.
SAT Word of the Day:
trenchant (TREN-chent) – adj. vigorously effective and articulate
The professor was known for her TRENCHANT feedback on student work.
Girls' TEC coming up the 2nd weekend of April. If you want more information or an application, see Fr. Ronald.
Lenten class charity collection update: Seniors $576 of $960 (60%); Juniors $415 of $1,020 (41%); Sophomores $1,742 of $1,020 (170%); Freshmen $688 of $900 (76%); Faculty/Staff $190. Overall, $3611 of $3,900 (92%). We will have a collection at our Holy Thursday service.
Sophomores: if you have finished your Ambassador application, you can turn those in to Mr. Steben any time. Applications must be submitted by Tuesday, March 26 by the end of the school day. No late applications will be accepted! Questions, see Mr. Steben.
Ambassadors: we will not meet today after school due to the senior retreat. However, you do need to make sure that you have the morning of Saturday, April 20 open for the Junior High Tour Day. Please see Mr. Steben with any questions!
Mrs. Griggs E1 study hall will report to room 204 today. If you do not report to room 204, you will be marked absent.
If you have borrowed any calculators or chromebook chargers from the Bruin Learning Center please return those today!
We still have roster spots for the IHSA eSports Sectional competition that will be on April 20th in Normal, IL. We need players for: Rocket League, Mario Kart Deluxe, Super Smash Bros Crew, and two individual players for EA Sports FC. Let Mr. Fess know if you’re interested.
Congratulations to the cast & crew on an outstanding performance of Little Mermaid. Thank you to everyone that supported us this weekend!
Logan Pineda please see Ms. Bernabei.