Daily Announcements - Monday, November 23, 2020
Marcia Wagner
A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives.
Tomorrow is our last day before the Thanksgiving break. Please remember to bring food items in for our hungry sisters and brothers.
Students there are coat racks for you to hang your winter coats as the weather gets colder. Freshman and sophomores your coat racks are in the PSC near the vending machines. Juniors and seniors your coat racks are in the refectory. As a reminder: Dennis uniform jackets are the only permitted jackets to wear in the class rooms.
Lunch orders were collected on Friday last week for December lunches for when we return in person. If you were not here Friday, please see Mrs. Plankenhorn for a form.
STUDENTS: When you return from being absent, even if you were remote learning, PLEASE stop in the main office and let Mrs. Plankenhorn know you are back.
Driver Ed students that are driving this quarter please check your emails for a message from Mr. Filippini regarding your driving the week after Thanksgiving.