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Daily Announcements

Daily Announcements - Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Marcia Wagner

Don't worry about next week or next month or next year.  Just do the next right thing and keep doing the next right thing.  

  • Our Donors of the Day are Tim and Claire Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. Murphy are both 1978 graduates and we have been blessed with their kindness and generosity for decades. Please keep them in a special prayer of thanks today.

  • Lectio groups this week.  The first group meets today during lunch in the collaborative room.

  • SAVE the DATE for #GivingTuesday this December 1st! We look forward to another incredible day, stay tuned for updates, videos and prizes leading up to #GivingTuesday on 12/1/20!

  • SENIORS: An announcement was sent through TE yesterday pertaining to Senior Portraits.  Please read it.  EVERYONE must come for their designated time on Dec. 9.