Daily Announcements - Monday, Oct. 26, 2020
Marcia Wagner
Love means thinking of the other person first and being willing to sacrifice in order to help that person.
The following students need to report to the refectory next tomorrow after school 1:40 with your chromebook: Nathan Carlson, Timmy Croissant, Timmy Daluga, Braden Damerell, Joe Edwall, Tyvon Epps, Owen Espel, Fredrick Fess, Ethan Fleming, Yadi Garcia, Logan Griggs, and Griffen Heuser.
On Thursday the following students need to report to the refectory with your chromebook: Nick Kerasotes, Addison Lee, Reese Ludford, Amber Meagher, Grace Mertel, Isabelle Monroe, Caroline Moskalewicz, Nathan Potthoff, Zach Roebuck, James Sanchez, and Shawn Schwemlein.
There are two prizes from last year's Polar Plunge remaining. If you raised money and would like to claim one of them, please see Mrs. Manning in the collaborative room today. First come, first served!
Thank you to all who brought food in. 400 pounds of food was delivered to the pantry on Friday. Let's now fill those carts, again.
The following students need to see Ms. Bernabei in room 205 period H today. Bring your Chromebook.
Coach Allen’s B period report to the Library for class tomorrow, C period report to room 226 B.
Boys bowling practice starts today at 3:15-4:45 at the Super Bowl in Peru.