Daily Announcements - Friday, Oct. 16, 2020
Marcia Wagner
The most effective messenger is the one who lives the message.
Our Donor of the Day is John Hendricks. Mr. Hendricks is a 1963 graduate and we have been blessed with his kindness and generosity for years. Please keep John in a special prayer of thanks today.
Congratulations to Jacob Schirz our 2020/2021 DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution) recipient and Perla De La Torre our SAR (Sons of the American Revolution) recipient. These awards are given to students that exemplify the qualities of good citizenship, dependability, service, leadership, and patriotism to name a few. Students are nominated by faculty and voted on by your class. Congratulations Jacob and Perla!!
Nathan Potthoff and Elaina Wamhoff please come to guidance now.
Payment for See You at the Pole t-shirts can be made to Mrs. Plankenhorn, in the office, or to Fr. Ronald.
Eucharistic Ministers interested in doing a prayer video please contact Mrs. Gengler. Service hours will be given.
The following students must pick up their Dennis Uniform Jackets in Mrs. Prokup's office, Briggs, Entrican, Hirth, Hackney, Haun, Mueller, Mehlbach, Penaverde, Rzepka, Smudzinski, Sanchez, Struck, Slingsby, Vaessen, Wallace and Wagner
REMINDER to the members of The Genesius Project to join us live or Via Zoom Sunday evening at 7pm – Please do your writing homework!
Extra prizes from last year's Polar Plunge have arrived. There are only a few items. If you raised money and would like to claim one of them, please see Mrs. Manning in the collaborative room today. First come, first served!
IVCC’s Tutoring Center has free high school tutoring available on Mondays from 3 to 7 p.m. in the Learning Commons. Professional and college student tutors are available to assist high school students with math, science, writing and other subjects. No appointment is necessary. Wi-Fi and internet are available for high school students during this time. Face coverings are required while on campus. For information, contact Angela Dunlap, tutoring coordinator, at angela_dunlap@ivcc.edu or (815) 224-0479. Please note that the Tutoring Center is closed when IVCC is closed.