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Daily Announcements

Daily Announcements - Monday, Oct. 5, 2020

Marcia Wagner

You cannot become more like Jesus and, at the same time, stay as you are.

  • Lectio groups TODAY for the rest of the freshmen. Get your lunch and come directly to the collaborative room in the Perino Science Center.

  • Let's do our best to fill the blue carts with food this week so food can be delivered to our hungry sisters and brothers.

  • Seniors – Listen carefully to this ACT test information! Tomorrow morning you need to enter the building through the PSC doors. This is a regular schedule 1 dress code day. - You must be in your testing room, pencils sharpened, sitting in your seat, ready to begin testing by 7:50 am – the test will conclude at approx. 12:30 pm. You will be dismissed by your room supervisor when your entire classroom is finished testing. - Check your room assignment today so you know exactly where to go tomorrow morning. - Room assignments are posted in your English classroom and on the front doors of the PSC - Leave your cell phone, smart watch, Chromebook and all electronic devices in your car! Do not bring them into the building – You are responsible to bring the following items:

    Calculator - TI-84, TI-Nspire cx (non-CAS) or a 4-function calculator - See Ms. Bernabei to have your calculator approved BEFORE test day if you have a calculator other than the ones listed. - If you need to borrow a calculator do this BEFORE test day. - We will not have calculators available to borrow on the morning of the test.

    Back-up calculator and/or extra batteries, just in case.

    2-3 sharpened pencils and a good eraser - No Mechanical Pencils!

    A snack and water to keep your energy up - Granola bars and juice boxes will be provided during the break but you are welcome to bring your own healthy snack.

    ACT tickets and ID are not required.

    Go to bed early tonight and eat a good breakfast so you can earn a score that reflect your true ability!

  • Juniors and Seniors: The UIUC Virtual College Application Information presentation is Wed, October 7th, 6 - 7 pm you must RSVP in order to receive the zoom link. Check your school email for RSVP instructions. The Financial Aid Information virtual presentation is immediately following from 7-8 pm. All Jrs and Srs will receive a separate link for this presentation in your school email on that day, no RSVP required.

  • The following students see Mrs. Plankenhorn: Perla DeLaTorre – Matthew Pozzi – Hunter Savage – Alyssa Schirz – Ari Kaufman

  • Congratulations to Nathan Potthoff making first team All-Conference Nathan finished in the second position

  • We will have our schedule 3 dress code this Thursday. For a $3 donation You may wear JEANS ( not leggings or shorts): no holes or rips a modest top, no half shirts and no hoodies. If you do not choose to wear jeans that day our daily DENNIS uniform must be worn.