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Daily Announcements

Daily Announcements - Friday, Oct 2, 2020

Marcia Wagner

There may be times when you wander away from God. But God never stops calling you. He will never stop searching for you.

  • Our Donor of the day is Edward Theiss. Mr. Theiss is a 1958 graduate and we have been blessed with his kindness and generosity for decades. Please keep Edward in a special prayer of thanks today.

  • Lectio groups TODAY for sophomores and the first group of freshmen. Get your lunch and come directly to the collaborative room in the Perino Science Center.

  • A few more bags of food have been added to the blue carts. Thanks so much. This weekend is a good time to put aside some cans or boxes of food to bring on Monday.

  • ATTENTION: Student driven vehicles need to enter and exit the campus through the main entrance down the lane. Access through the back road will be blocked. Violators will be subject to detentions and loss of driving privileges.

  • Seniors: If you have still not paid for the Oct 6th ACT you need to bring in a check for $59.00 made out to St. Bede Academy. Write ACT on the memo line. Put your check in a sealed envelope with the student first and last name and ACT printed clearly on the front. Put the check in the box by Mr. Hancock’s desk in the PSC. Payment is due ASAP!

  • Juniors you will take PSAT-NMSQT on Wed. Oct. 14th. This is the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test. Please prepare so you can earn your best score. See your email for testing tips and study information.

  • Seniors: These are your John Baylor study sessions for the week of Sept 28-Oct 5th: Math #10A; Science #10B; Math #11A; Science #11B; English #12A; US Hist/Math #12B; English #13A. See the Guidance Google classroom for the full schedule.

  • ATTENTION – All Golfers Mandatory Meeting Today after school in the Golf Room.

  • The nice weather for softball will be gone soon! Take advantage of the open practices held on Mondays & Fridays from 4-5:30 at the softball field. See Mrs. Griggs if you have any questions.

  • CONGRATULATIONS to our Lady Bruins Golf Team on their victory at the Three Rivers Conference Triangular on Wednesday and Junior Aleanna Mendoza who shot a 44 to earn medalist honors! Great Job Bruins!