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Daily Announcements

Daily Announcements - Tuesday, Sept. 15, 2020

Marcia Wagner

Sometimes good people make bad decisions.

  • Our Donor of the Day is Richard Shinnick. Mr. Shinnick is a 1969 graduate and celebrated his 50th class reunion last year. We are blessed with his kindness and generosity. Please keep Rick in a special prayer of thanks today.

  • One last chance to order Dennis Uniform Jackets. Deadline is Thursday, September 17th.

  • The Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in even more of our sisters and brothers being hungry. Let's fill the blue cart with food items.

  • Picture retakes are set for September 24. We still have no word on senior pictures at this time. As soon as I get the information I will inform you.

  • Do you need service hours? Join interact club, we can help! We set up fun group activities to help our community while hanging out with friends. First meeting is this Thursday right after school in the shelter. Free to join, donuts will be served.

  • Seniors: Your John Baylor study sessions for the week of Sept 14th – 21st are Math: 4A, 4B, 5A, 5B, 6A and 6B. See your email from last week for the full schedule.

  • Seniors: You need to pay for the Oct 6th ACT. Please bring in a check for $59.00 made out to St. Bede Academy. Write ACT on the memo line. Put your check in a sealed envelope with the student first and last name and ACT printed clearly on the front. Put the check in the box by Mr. Hancock’s desk in the PSC. Payment is due Sept 30, 2020.

  • Volunteers needed to help with the Utica Knights of Columbus Tootsie Roll drive this weekend Sept 19th & 20th. Sign up at the Interact Club meeting this Thursday right after school in the shelter or see Ms. Bernabei.

  • We had everyone fill out a lunch order form on Friday for the remainder of the month. If you did not order a lunch there will not be one made for you. Once you order a lunch you will be charged, unless you are absent for the day. All orders need to be placed ahead of time, same day orders are no longer being accepted.

  • Congratulations to our boys’ cross country team for winning the boys’ meet at Mendota sweeping the first four spots! In order, Miguel jones, Daniel Dugosh, Kogan Griggs, and James Sanchez. On the girls’ side, Brady Mudge won her third consecutive race and Jaelyn Weber finished in 6th place overall. Congratulations to both Cross Country teams on their results!

  • Take advantage of the blessed sacrament chapel on the first floor and stop by for a short prayer.

  • Ivy Fan please see Mrs. Wagner after classes today.