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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Monday, November 13, 2023

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Christians are people of hope, people of possibilities.  So, have courage and together, let's set out to change the world as the first Christians did.

  • SAT Word of the Day: 

    • pejorative (puh-JOR-uh-tiv) – adj. expressing contempt or disapproval

      • Mr. Steben’s criticism had a PEJORATIVE tone.

  • Thanks to all who participated in the jean day on Friday.  $500 was collected that will help those in need in our area. This week please put contributions in the container in the science center.  The funds are for Speed the Light that helps missionaries throughout the world.

  • There will be a bowling practice bus offered today at 2:50pm.  Any bowler needing a ride to practice, please be out front of the PSC at that time.   This is a ONE WAY bus only.

  • Scholastic bowl team will meet in Science center commons today during homeroom. Also, practice this week Tuesday and Thursday after school.

  • Yearbook meeting for everyone interested in helping with the yearbook from 1:45-2:15 this  Tuesday after school in Mrs. Griggs classroom.  If you haven’t completed the survey in the google classroom, please complete by Friday.

  • Congratulations to RJ Hermsillo for advancing to the YMCA Mid-Western State Swimming Tournament in the 100-meter breaststroke.  RJ swam a 1:16 and will compete for a Gold Medal in St John, Indiana, March 8th thru the 10th, 2024.


  • Aubree Acuncius, Johnna Bogatitus, Bella Pinter and Reagan Stoudt,  please stop in to see Mrs. Makransky today.