ANNOUNCEMENTS - Thursday, November 9, 2023
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What is the secret to the good life? The answer is gloriously simple: GOODNESS ITSELF
SAT Word of the Day:
officious (uh-FISH-us)– adj. self-assertive, overbearing
The security guards were loud and OFFICIOUS.
Tomorrow we will have a Veterans Day prayer service. Please write names of Veterans, living and dead, on sheets on the table outside the student refectory. We will pray for them at the service. We will have 2 guests with us.
Scholastic Bowl store will remain open until Sunday night. Use the link to order your Scholastic Bowl jerseys ASAP!
There will be a paid Jean Day tomorrow for charity. We use the funds to help those in need throughout the year.
Fall Theatre rehearsal tonight for Allison, Noah, Kyra and Solomon at 7:30 in the church. The script for Expectations will be posted online later today.
Ambassadors: we will meet briefly in the collaborative room right after school. Bring your Chromebook!
Yearbook meeting for everyone interested in helping with the yearbook from 1:45-2:15 this Tuesday after school in Mrs. Griggs classroom. If you haven’t completed the survey in the google classroom, please complete by Friday.
JUGS will be served in Mrs. Cox’s room this afternoon.
Seniors- There will be a Prom Committee meeting in the LOFT during homeroom tomorrow!
Scholastic Bowl practice after school in the Art Studio.
Luis Monroy, Nathalia Flores, Adriana Perez and Santiago Mijangos please see Mrs. Rapp in the Development Office.
Jayden Martin and Evan Englehaupt please go to Fr. Ronald's office now.