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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Tuesday, September 19, 2023

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We are not defined by wins or losses, but by our simple contribution to others.  

  • SAT Word of the Day: 

    • bereft – adj. deprived or lacking

      • Mr. Steben seemed BEREFT of joy when he didn’t enjoy his meal.

  • Heritage Club members need to check information in Google Classroom today!

  • The first variety show rehearsal is Tuesday (tonight) in the gym.  The time has been changed to 8:30-10pm.  You will have the opportunity to go through your act on stage to show Mrs. Griggs. It does not have to be perfect, but must be semi organized.  The remaining rehearsal will be Sunday 9/24 from 6-8 and Thursday 9/28 from 7-9.  Please plan to attend.

  • Don't have anything going on tonight? Come decorate the hallways for homecoming with SBASG tonight at 6 in the Refectory.

  • Falling behind in your classes or needing a little extra help? Don’t forget that Ms. Wright and Mrs. Nambo are available in the Bruin Learning Center during your study halls and after school to help!

  • Homecoming tickets will be on sale this week at lunch. Tickets are $10 each. Guest request forms must be approved before purchasing a ticket for a non-Saint-Bede student.

  • Guest request forms for Homecoming are due MONDAY the 25th. Please take care of this ASAP!

  • Junior and senior girls participating in powder puff please bring $15 to Miss Brady by Thursday, September 21st.

  • Seniors, check your emails this week for Prom Committee sign-ups from Mrs. Nambo.


  • SBASG will meet in the PSC.

  • Now, during homeroom the following are asked to meet in Fr. Ronald's office:  Jenna Ladzinski, Olivia Orteza, Amy Tran, Zach Popurella, Logan Potthoff, Ryan Slingsby, Analia Salas, Grace Millington, Phillip Gray, Abraham Wiesbrock.

  • If you signed up to be a peer tutor please stop in Mrs. Nambo’s office now.

  • Emma Slingsby please come to room 204.

  • Meeting during homeroom for all Stage Rats in room 107. It's not too late to join, so new members are welcome at this meeting.