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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Monday, October 3, 2022

Guest User

What do you think about the most?  That's your treasure.  That's your heart.

  •  Mrs. Leffelman's H period biology please report to (Mrs. Morrow's) room 210 Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday this week. 

  •  You want pumpkin spice? We have pumpkin spice!  Tea Club today after school in the commons. 

  •  Heritage Club members must bring their tshirt money to Miss Gavina or Mrs. Rynkewicz BEFORE THURSDAY 10/6.

  •  Won't be long and the Blue Cart will be filled.  Please bring food to fill it.

  •  Mrs. Griggs would like to thank everyone that participated and supported the variety show Friday night. 

  • Attention Ambassadors - 8th grade visits start this week! Please check the schedule to see when you will miss class. Schedule is posted in the Google Classroom or outside Mr. Steben's office (134).


  • All Ambassadors need to get a Visit Cheat Sheet from Mr. Steben during Homeroom TODAY!