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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Thursday, February 6, 2025

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  • SAT Word of the Day:

    • tenuous (adj.) having little substance or strength 

      • Your argument is very TENUOUS, since it relies so much on speculation and hearsay.

  • St. Bede will be hosting two blood drives – one on February 11 and another on April 29. The American Red Cross offers a scholarship opportunity for high schools that host blood drives, with the scholarship amount based on the total number of pints donated. Seniors, please check your email for more information on how you can become eligible for this scholarship!

  • Freshmen: if you want to be a leader for an 8th grade shadow, please have your preference form turned in by tomorrow.


    • Ava Balestri, Chloe Brandt, Ashlan Heersink, and Emma Huffaker, please report to Mrs. Griggs room.

    • Savannah Bray, Alaina Schulz, and Val Mendez report to room 31 during homeroom today.

    • Ella Lamboley please see Coach Makransky room 208 during home room today.

    • Would the following students please come to the Development Office: Mina Trandinh, Kerstin Williams, Ayla Yeske & Yannis Yong.


    • Good luck to all the teams competing tonight:

      • SO, V girls BB @ Home