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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Wednesday, January 22, 2025

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  • SAT Word of the Day:

    • impervious (adj.) impenetrable, incapable of being affected 

      • Because of their thick layer of fur, many seals are almost IMPERVIOUS to the cold.

  • Please remember to bring your ID to lunch - it is required! If your name is submitted to the office for not having a lunch card, you will be eating lunch with Mrs. Bosnich the following day.  Repeated violations will result in a detention.

  • Any Heritage Club students interested in participating in a Lunar New Year activity after school on January 29th should complete the Google Form by THIS FRIDAY, January 24.

  • There will be a paid Jeans Day on Friday.  Please bring  $3.00 to support the social work office.  No hooded or crop-top sweatshirts or tank tops.  Jeans must be in good repair with no holes or rips. 

  • Attention golfers: the golf room will be open after school today and Thursday this week.

  • Scholastic Bowl: we will have practice Thursday after school.

  • Seniors interested in attending a Rotary meeting: sign up at the link in your email. Any senior can attend the Friday meetings at LaGrotto. Any student who is not in an E period IVCC class can attend Wednesday meetings. Students must be in good standing to participate.

  • There will be a Charity Club meeting after school in Mr. Davy's room 227.


    • Homeroom Meeting today for everyone interested in golf meet in the Art Studio.

    • Ambassadors: there will be a meeting right now in the Loft.

    • Will Irene Wu, Mason Ross, and Harrison Fess please come to the main office now?


    • Good luck to all the teams competing today:

      • V girls BB @ Roanoke Benson

      • Wrestling @ Morrison