ANNOUNCEMENTS Thursday, November 4, 2021
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Your stewardship has the potential to influence lives, provide hope to others, and make an eternal difference.
Veterans Day is coming up. Please print names of Veterans, living and dead, you want prayed for at our upcoming prayer service. The sign-up sheets are on the table outside the dining room. If you know a Veteran who would like to speak at our Veterans Day prayer service, please see Fr. Ronald.
There will be a fan bus for Saturday’s football game. $10 per student to cover the cost of the bus. We must have a minimum of 40 students to go. You can sign up and pay in the main office. If you signed up and haven’t paid you need to get $10 to Mrs. Plankenhorn by TOMORROW! It’s only half way filled!
Student’s taking AP exams you need to get your payments in per your teachers’ instructions. Deadline is Wednesday, November 10.
Student’s that have signed up to go to the Shedd Aquarium and the Field Museum on Nov. 24 get your permission slips and money turned into the office by this Friday. If your form and money are not in by TOMORROW, your spot will be given away. There is a waiting list for this trip.
Scholastic Bowl practice today after school in the Art Studio.
Students DO NOT remove the tape that is around the spout of the water fountains. They are taped up for a reason!! If you need a drink and do not have your own bottle for the bottle filler, please come to the main office for a cup.
Want To See An Administrator/Faculty/Staff Member Pied In The Face?!
Help Support The St. Bede Fund This #GivingTuesday!
The person with the MOST money raised by Tuesday, November 23rd will be pied in the face LIVE on our Saint Bede Academy Facebook page!!
CONTEST STARTS: Tuesday, November 9th
CONTEST ENDS: Tuesday, November 23rd Donate money to the bucket of the person you want to see pied in the face during your lunch period!!
If you donate a $1 or more, you will receive a SBA Lanyard!!
All of the proceeds raised will go to The St. Bede Fund as part of our #GivingTuesday campaign. In the Running To Get Pied In The Face:
Mr. Trevor Harlow, Director of Technology
Mr. Nick McLaughlin, Assistant Principal/Athletic Director
Fr. Ronald Margherio, Academy Chaplain/Benedictine Monk
Tomorrow students may wear a St. Bede top: Short sleeve T-shirt, long sleeve t-shirt, or crew neck NO HOODIES will be allowed. DENNIS uniform bottoms must be worn.
Stage Rats please check Google Classroom for the work assignments for the rest of the week.
Ava Stone, Ben Koyak, Grace Maschmann and Aleda Hoogland. Please see Fr. Ronald, now, during homeroom.
Wendy Li and Grace Millington bring Chromebooks to Mr. Harlow’s office