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Daily Announcements

ANNOUNCEMENTS Wednesday, November 3, 2021

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We often wait for God to do for us, what He wants to do through us.

  • There will be a fan bus for Saturday’s football game. $10 per student to cover the cost of the bus. We must have a minimum of 40 students to go. You can sign up and pay in the main office. If you signed up yesterday you can bring in your $10 at this time.

  • Utica Knights of Columbus is looking for some volunteers to help with their annual Thanksgiving Dinner this Saturday, Nov 6.  Sign-up sheet is in Mrs. Plankenhorn’s office.

  • Student’s taking AP exams you need to get your payments in per your teachers’ instructions.  Deadline for ordering is approaching.

  • Student’s that have signed up to go to the Shedd Aquarium and the Field Museum on Nov. 24 get your permission slips and money turned into the office by this Friday.  If your form and money are not in by Friday, your spot will be given away.  There is a waiting list for this trip.

  • Girls basketball practice will officially begin tomorrow.  We will follow Monday’s time schedule with Mass starting at 5:30. Parents are invited to attend mass and the meeting that follows!

  • Let's get the Blue Cart filled.  Our hungry sisters and brothers will be grateful.

  • Veterans Day coming up.  Think of veterans you will want to pray for at our prayer service.


  • Erin Dove please see Mrs. Plankenhorn during homeroom today.

  • Ava Stone, Grady Gillan, Ella Mudge, Ben Koyak, Aleanna Mendoza, and Grace Maschmann, Please see Fr. Ronald, now, during homeroom to get your Advent readings.