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Daily Announcements

Daily Announcements - Tuesday, October 5, 2021

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  • Congratulations to both golf teams on a great season to our TRAC All Conference golfers Jake Delaney 2nd team Brendon Pillion 1st team. And to Jake Delaney for his 9th place finish and qualified for the State Tournament this weekend. Great work everyone.

  • If you have any forms that need turned into the office, please bring them at this time.  We have been more than fair with deadlines on these.  The forms we are looking for are for the freshmen: Birth Certificates, Immunization record and 9th grade physical, dental exam and Signature forms.  Sophomores – Juniors: Signature Forms. Seniors: Meningitis immunization record and Signature forms. Multiple emails have been sent to parents concerning these matters.  If your forms are not turned in by tomorrow, Wednesday October 6 you will be asked to go home until we receive your forms.  You will also be marked as an unexcused absence.  Which means anything you miss will not be allowed to be made up.

  • Thursday is a schedule 3 dress code day.  This means jeans may be worn for a minimal $3 donation.  If you choose not to participate you must follow the daily DENNIS dress code.  If you are going to wear jeans it must be jeans – no leggings, shorts or sweatpants.  Jeans must be in good repair no HOLES or RIPS.  A MODEST top will be allowed no half shirts or hoodies.   

  • Quincy University will be visiting Wednesday during lunch periods

  • Service hour opportunity:  The Interact club and Knights of Columbus are looking for volunteers for their Tootsie Roll Drive this upcoming weekend.  Sign up sheet is in Mrs. Plankenhorn’s office.

  • Heritage Club members need to sign up in Mrs. Rynkewicz’s room TODAY for the mandala rock dotting event on Saturday, October 16th at 10:00am. Find more info in Google Classroom. 

  • If you are interested in pursuing a future as a Commissioned Officer in the United States Army through the ROTC program while earning your degree at NIU, EIU, SIUE or UIUC, you may be eligible for and receive the Illinois State Tuition Waiver (Scholarship) by participating in this year’s ISTW Combine on October 23rd. Click on this link application info:

  • Attention Stage Rats! There will NOT be a work session today, but there will be sessions on Wednesday and Thursday---see Google Classroom for details.


  • The following students need to see Mrs. Plankenhorn during homeroom: Trenton Acuncius, Lea Asani, Ruby Burr, Summer Conlin, Matt English, James Erwin, Gia and Milana Gayan, Maureen Gensler, George and Georgina Guo, Collin Harmon,  Paul Hart, Arianna and Rylan Heersink, Dylan and Kathleen Hunter, Jake Jackson, Morgan Jones, Ari Kaufman, Renn Ludford, Ava Manicki, Madison McGunnigal, Adeline and Petra Mitchell, Kaden and Mia Monterastelli, Elliott Quartucci, Lilylu Rauh Fernandez, Stephen Shaver, Ethan Sramek, Reagan and Ryann Stoudt, Marly Tillman, Mina Trandinh, Mason Moreno, and Amanda Wojcik.

  • Interested in the Advent reflections spoken about at Lectio last week?  See Fr. Ronald