ANNOUNCEMENTS - Monday, August 19, 2024
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SAT Word of the Day:
Demure - adj., reserved or modest
The students wore DEMURE attire for the school’s mass.
Interested in becoming an epic gamer and joining eSports at St. Bede? It’s the season of Mario Kart, Valorant, Fortnite, and Rocket League. See Mr. Fess, and/or join Google Classroom: g7rmipz
Happy Spirit Week, Bruins! Come out to support the fall sports, starting with volleyball on Thursday at 5:30 in Abbot Vincent Gymnasium. Then, come out to Green and White Night on Friday at 6:00 for the Parade of Teams for all fall sports. Football scrimmages will follow, and then join the fun at the Back to School Dance in the outdoor shelter until 9pm. Let’s pack the place and start the year with enthusiasm - HUM BRUINS!
Anyone dressed in USA attire today for Spirit Week that would like a photo taken for this year's yearbook, please meet in the science center during homeroom. After the photo, please return to your homeroom.
Noah Buck, Weston Heersink, and Trajan Raffety, please see Mr. Steben in his office.